Thursday 8 April 2010

Trailing truck

Been busy fiddling with the trailing truck kit from Model Engineers Laser. Numerous pieces of sheet brass bend and/or slot together to form 4 parts that are then fixed together to form the truck assembly. A little fiddly but the parts are accurately cut and it goes togheter well. The two side parts are positioned and fixed around the wheel bearings which need to be turned from brass rod. This is another straightforward job on the lathe.

I have silver soldered 3 of the parts and have one remaining to do. Hope to post a pic of the completed assembly soon. The holes in the laser cut parts are very small and near to the edge of the parts in some places, the 8BA bolts I have will be too large. I have ordered some 10BA bolts from Maidstone Model Engineering, hopefully these will do the job.

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